Sunday, August 26, 2012

Expose a Poser Facebook group is a "hunter" group that stalks victims on Facebook. They hide in closed groups, so the public cannot see what they say or plan to do to victims they chose to harass. 
If you have any of these dishonorable people on your friends list, we suggest you delete them immediately; they may attack YOU next.
You will notice that professional poser hunters Jonn Lilyea and Mark C. Seavey belong to this group of Cyber-Bullies. Also a former Navy SEAL Billy Lumpkin who is a proven LIAR that told us he belongs to NO groups on Facebook and only stays within his SEAL community. 
These are NOT honorable people, they are stalkers, hunters, frauds. NO AUTHORITY to harass their victims, and it matters not if the victims are innocent or guilty to them. They are comic book heroes, those like Seavey and Lilyea get funding to stalk victims, bounty hunters. Seavey funded by the American Legion to run blogs that harass PTSD afflicted veterans. Shame on them all:

These dishonorable people are a disgrace to the military community. They are nothing more than Cyber-stalkers, who harass and victimize veterans on Facebook. 
We are ashamed of them all. LIARS and Cyber-bullies one and ALL. They have no shame and NO honor. As we said, if you have one of these cyber-stalkers on your friends list, delete them immediately; they may attack you or a family member next. 


1 comment:

  1. The cyber/mob victim hereon,Tony Meyers, is dead in the ground now since these posts and later "hounded to death", literally, by Americas Stolen Valor Mafia operatives such as Scott Allen Hughes of Spencer, West Virginia. A lumber jack by trade, Hughes aka "Scooter" hereon eventually cyber/mobbed the deceased military Veteran's funeral (Family Memoirs) pages at his funeral home blog. THINK ABOUT THAT..!

    Tony Meyers was an honorable discharged Marine. Period.

    But not to fake profiler "Scotties Hideaway" on Face Book; (which has been shut down). Scott Allen Hughes is actually was a 3 year reserves Marine and currently a 3 time felon paper check hanger in Maryland and West Virginia.

    Although authentic military Veteran Tony Meyers was buried with military honors and is in the ground, he can rest assured that "Scooter is living a life in hell, alive."

    Scooter, Mark C. Seavey, Jonn V. Lilyea, Mary P. Schantag and his other band of bastards are being sued and jailed at this very moment across America. You can read all about it, in ICELAND. Not America.
